It's the sound of my shoes.
I've visited this video over and over (and over) for the past two years, and I figured it needed to be shared in case you missed it. I genuinely love this and really have no idea why. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday Morning
"Beware the barrenness of a busy life." - Socrates. (Just thinking.)
What are you up to today?
This morning, I'm reading a book of short stories (No One Belongs Here More Than You), drinking coffee, and craving some music from St. Vincent. (My dad might call all of these things "hipster" (except for the coffee maybe, he drinks that too).) Then I'm off to appointments and errands.
I hope your Wednesday is deliiiiightful and not busy and not bare.
Btw, construction began on my upstairs neighbor's rooftop deck at 6:55am, right outside my back porch and bedroom; very nice wakeup on my day off, no? I want to do something about this, as I really don't think that's legal in Chicago, but... ugh. Advice?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Oh hi!
I'm still here. I just started a new quarter, new clinic. Been busy, have things on the mind, you know...?
Don't worry, I've been keeping up with my google reader on the bus and will update you on something interesting soon. For now, this.
Don't worry, I've been keeping up with my google reader on the bus and will update you on something interesting soon. For now, this.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Morning Benders - Japan Echo EP
Another music post, but I think this one is important:
The Morning Benders is one of my very favorite bands. Besides having excellent music, they've seemed to be downright friendly and genuine guys, happily chatting away with listeners after their Lincoln Hall show last year.
Anywho, they've created a "very special EP" to support the Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund - a cause close to their heart, as their own Chris Chu is originally from Japan. Check out the deets, donate, and download here.
The Morning Benders is one of my very favorite bands. Besides having excellent music, they've seemed to be downright friendly and genuine guys, happily chatting away with listeners after their Lincoln Hall show last year.
Anywho, they've created a "very special EP" to support the Japan Society's Earthquake Relief Fund - a cause close to their heart, as their own Chris Chu is originally from Japan. Check out the deets, donate, and download here.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Also, a cow.
I'm still on break with some time to do whatever I'd like, so this afternoon I painted a Kentucky cow.
On the road just a few days ago, I spotted this guy and a bunch of his friends/family. The painting is acrylic on canvas, 4 ft long x 3 ft tall. I was a little unsure about it at first, but I'm warming up to him as the night goes on.....
p.s. This photo was taken on my cell phone, so it's not the best quality, but you get the picture.
Wye Oak
I love Wye Oak. Do you?
I'm a little late in the game here, but I just found out that they have a new album out.... thinking a little trip to Reckless is in store now. Check out the lovely/epic first track here.
I'm a little late in the game here, but I just found out that they have a new album out.... thinking a little trip to Reckless is in store now. Check out the lovely/epic first track here.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Road Trip Eats and Drinks
Cortadito and Sugar Cane at Havana Rumba, Louisville |
YUM. Cuban espresso + cream. Much needed for the final leg of the drive.
Jack's BBQ, Nashville |
MMM. Turkey, mac&cheese, apples, cornbread. Line out the door here.
Mike's Ice Cream Fountain, Nashville |
YUM. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in a cone, plus a crazy person yelling about something beeping. (Except the person was only part crazy, because my cell phone was in fact beeping and I was just oblivious....)
Pulled Chicken, Hog Heaven, Nashville |
DELISH. Pulled chicken w/white BBQ sauce, cole slaw, and pickles on cornbread bun. Side of potato salad. One of my personal favorites!
55 South, Franklin, TN |
Sluuurp. Phenomenal seafood gumbo and bottomless mimosas. Great decor. Another definite favorite.
Milk climbing wall at Fair Oaks Farm, Indiana |
Aww. Baby cows, born just today (we didn't eat these). Ate a ton of cheese samples and took 3 bricks of cheese and a half gallon of nonfat milk to go.
PHEW! (We did eat at some other places, as well. Of special note, Suzy Wong's House of Yum, a sort of Asian tapas spot, was interesting and delicious.)
Chicago Rain
We're back! Had a wonderful trip: took hundreds of photos, feasted on many bbq meals, walked and hiked until our feet were crying, saw the sites (the Parthenon, Music Row, Franklin TN, a dairy farm?, and more), heard amazing and free country music, and had some not-so-wonderful car trouble.
Thank you for patience; I'll update more once I get through my email inbox and have a chance to unpack and upload photos.
Thank you for patience; I'll update more once I get through my email inbox and have a chance to unpack and upload photos.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Weekend Weather
![]() | |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Some Things
A Lone Ranger |
- Photography is Easy, Photography is Hard
- YUM. Was going to say that summer evenings can't come soon enough, but these delicious looking snacks were made in the toaster oven!!
- The Ten Most Memorable Guest Stars of The Adventures of Pete and Pete. I can't wait until Nickelodeon begins to air episodes again in the fall! (Also hoping there's more news coming that Salute Your Shorts will be a part of the group...)
- Wanted: Flowering Oregano
- A Lie of the Mind... "Brain tumors are funny, but they're not hilarious." (Thanks, The Hairpin!)
- I made this Meyer Lemon Shaker Pie. Thought it was pretty delicious, minus the rinds. If you don't have a mandolin, I suggest peeling the lemons first (and then you don't have to worry about slicing your finger like I did).
- Runway Shows by Print. I'm really feeling most of these! (via)
- Brass cow head necklace.
I'll leave you with that!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Louis Siciliano, 88
To me, you will always be Santa on Christmas Eve. Rest in Peace, Uncle Lou, and please say hi to Grandma Mary for us...
Chicago Hot Pot?
So, last night, Charlie, my parents, and I ate at Pl8, an asian fusion restaurant out in the suburbs that my dad affectionately kept describing as "so city." Well, it was absolutely delicious. YUM, go now.
But really, I'm writing because the Chong Ching Noodle Soup was out of this world, and I'm craving more. The interweb tells me that it may have been a version of chongqin hotpot .... does anyone know where to find amazing hotpot in Chicago? Obviously Chinatown, but wheeerrrreeee?
But really, I'm writing because the Chong Ching Noodle Soup was out of this world, and I'm craving more. The interweb tells me that it may have been a version of chongqin hotpot .... does anyone know where to find amazing hotpot in Chicago? Obviously Chinatown, but wheeerrrreeee?
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Friday flowers from Dominicks :), mine |
Hi all, sorry for the posting delay - it's been a busy, social, and gluttonous weekend for lil ol' me.
Meanwhile, I've been keeping Japan in my thoughts and hope you have too. The destruction is jaw-dropping, devastating, and terrifying. If you have the means, there are a number of sites set up accepting help and donations.
Considering what's going on abroad, I feel awkward mentioning anything else, but alas - life goes on.
Today begins Spring Break 2011 - my last sb of graduate school, and possibly, of life (hm, erase, I do not like this thought). I have a couple of meetings and things, but otherwise will spend the next few glorious days in pajamas, on the couch, reading, painting, organizing, staring at my giant new jade plant, watching bad daytime tv....
And, Charlie and I leave on Friday morning for Nashville. The internet tells me that temps will be in the high 70s... I am very, very excited, and still waiting on recommendations!!
Friday, March 11, 2011
Safe Wishes
Google's homepage just alerted me that there was an 8.9 earthquake in Japan, causing a tsunami alert for New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and others. I know NZ has been hit hard recently. Just a post to say that I'm thinking of everyone - far away friends, friends' families, and strangers alike. Stay safe!
p.s. Photos of the aftermath in Japan here.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
As Promised...
Sven Lucy |
And here, just another one you might enjoy...
Lu Smiling |
EDIT: There's more where those came from.
Rice Pudding Gratin
"It’s like when you put instant rice pudding mix in a bowl in the microwave and push the button, and you take the cover off when it rings, and there you’ve got ricing pudding. I mean, what happens in between the time when you push the switch and when the microwave rings? You can’t tell what’s going on under the cover. Maybe the instant rice pudding first turns into macaroni gratin in the darkness when nobody’s looking and only then turns back into rice pudding. We think it’s only natural to get rice pudding after we put rice pudding mix in the microwave and the bell rings, but to me, that is just a presumption. I would be kind of relieved if, every once in a while, after you put rice pudding mix in the microwave and it rang and you opened the top, you got macaroni gratin. I suppose I’d be shocked, of course, but I don’t know, I think I’d be kind of relieved too. Or at least I think I wouldn’t be so upset, because that would feel, in some ways, a whole lot more real."
(From Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - one of my very favorite books of all time)
(From Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - one of my very favorite books of all time)
Free Printable Compliments Poster
Head over to Kind Over Matter, print out this poster, and make some peoples' days!
via Cheryl Hayton's pinterest
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Rain rain...
windowpane photo via spablab/Sean Benham |
Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday - you're half way through the week!
Here in Chicago, it's dark and rainy and gloomy. Perfect kind of day for listening to Junip, wearing pajamas, and snuggling with a dog... though I'm in the suburbs, in clinic, with spotty internet. One more day (tomorrow), and I'm done for the quarter, with two weeks of break lying ahead of me!
Things I am excited about: the ton of photos I have to upload to my computer and play with, the pile of magazines I have to read, the 36" x 48" canvas I have to paint, my new running shoes, dinner with friends and family....
Charlie and I are also planning a little long weekend road trip to Nashville. Any suggestions for places to stop along the way or things to see in the T-N (is that a thing?)?
Finally - guess what? You can leave comments on here. You can also subscribe or follow me. Don't those things sound like fun? I may be updating later with a rustic mountain-climber-esque portrait of Lucy, so you should probably keep yourself in the 1048 loop.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Happy Friday!
Super adorable video above via The Hairpin (via Buzzfeed).
I'm really ready for the weekend, even if it does involve a numbing (hehe) visit to the dentist and running a research subject. It's dreary around here, but I kind of love it. I hope the weekend holds lots of fun/relaxation/loved ones for you!
Some more notes and things from the web lately...
- The Internet
- Tickets to Pitchfork Music Festival go on sale today. With Animal Collective, Fleet Foxes, Ariel Pink... looks like it will be a great time. Sadly, I won't see you there as I'll be here, in France, for my brother's wedding (or not so sadly, look at the place!).
- Craig Ferguson's very interesting reason for not making Charlie Sheen jokes
- National Geographic looks at the Most Typical Person in the World (via The Hairpin, what else)
- If you haven't heard yet, some crazy things went down during John Michael Bailey's Human Sexuality class at Northwestern. Here's Bailey's response.... oh, did I mention that I took this class as an undergraduate at NU? No motorized toys that I can remember, though.
Lastly, I hate Safari. It keeps freezing and shutting down on me. I've had it with you, Safari! I know I keep way too many tabs open at once, but still. No more. Anyone else have a Mac and enjoy a lot of tabs at the same time? Suggestions for which browser really is the best? (I've used Safari, Firefox, and Chrome and just can't decide.)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The Fish Agility Training Set
Hammacher Schlemmer has a vast array of amazing pet products, but I think that the Fish Agility Training Set might just have to be my favorite. I wish with my whole heart that I could embed the video, but you'll have to hop on over to their website to watch (but please do, it's pretty remarkable).
Balboa Island lemons |
Some things:
- From a while ago... but thank you Liz Colville for pointing this out.
- Framed's recipe for Five Minute Hummus looks easy, cheap, and delicious. Can't wait to try.
- I really like photographer Irina Werning's Back to the Future collection of childhood photos, reenacted.
- The Low Anthem is SO good, and their new album is streaming in full here on npr.
Also, I know such talented/witty/bright people (!):
- What to do when a crazy middle school acquaintance contacts you on LinkedIn? Charlie denies a request to connect, on Gizmodo.
- My professor, Valeriy Shafiro, was featured on Chicago Public Radio's Clever Apes recently, talking about his cochlear implant research. I'm a little biased, but this is really fascinating stuff.
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