Monday, February 21, 2011

Farewell, Earwax


I'm so sorry and disappointed to read today that Earwax Cafe is closing on Feb. 28th. Charlie and I have had a number of long byob date nights at this eclectic vegetarian spot, and their goat cheese quesadillas will be sincerely missed. Best wishes!

p.s. While flickr searching for an Earwax photo, I stumbled upon a pretty authentic mini (12 x 12 inch) diorama that MarthaLand made for a wedding present - apparently the bride and groom met there. Cute! Check it out for some interior shots.

UPDATE: March 11, 2011, Chicagoist has alerted us that Earwax has decided not to close after all. Apparently the menu is being revamped, and the restaurant will be reopened tomorrow at 11am. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. btw, as an audiology student, I feel compelled to mention that you should not say farewell to your own earwax. It's healthy and normal and keeps out bugs!

    Also, in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm a total nerd.
