I was a very busy and crazy bee all throughout my externship year, and then, you know how you start a journal, and you're great at writing every night, and then you go a month without writing and you feel like you have to buy a whole new journal to start again? I know it's silly, but that's basically how I felt. As I got further and further from my last post, I was less able to write another one.
Over the past 13 or so months, many things have happened. I danced the night away at my brother and sister-in law's beautiful French wedding. Charlie and I got engaged (on this street)! I finished and graduated from graduate school, receiving my doctorate in Audiology (Au.D.). I jet-setted around the country interviewing for new jobs and ultimately accepted a product development audiologist position in California. We've been planning a September 2012 wedding, trying to sell our condo, and preparing to pack up everything and move to the west coast.
At this point, I have so much more to share, and I want to write and keep you updated. But things are different now, and next month we will leave ten forty-eight (the brick-and-mortar 1048, where we live) and embark across the country. So, new adventures and new beginnings warrant a new blog. I'm now part of a triad: Lucy Makes Three. The actual URL is my soon-to-be new name: Lauren Nadler. Lots of change.. but all good.
Please follow me over there, keep reading, and stay in touch.
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